Book of Mormon | Israel Revealed - Part 4

Category: Book of Mormon

2020 Study Summary 24: Enter Into the Rest of the Lord

Alma 13-16 "Enter Into the Rest of the Lord" Men are called as high priests because of their exceeding faith and good works—They are to teach the commandments—Through righteousness they are sanctified and enter into the rest of the Lord—Melchizedek was one of these—Angels are declaring glad tidings throughout the land—They will reveal the actual coming of Christ. [About 82 B.C.] Alma and Amulek are imprisoned and smitten—The believers and…

2020 Study Summary 23: Jesus Christ Will Come To Redeem His People

Alma 8-12 "Jesus Christ Will Come To Redeem His People" Alma preaches and baptizes in Melek—He is rejected in Ammonihah and leaves—An angel commands him to return and cry repentance unto the people—He is received by Amulek, and the two of them preach in Ammonihah. [About 82 B.C.] Alma commands the people of Ammonihah to repent—The Lord will be merciful to the Lamanites in the last days—If the Nephites forsake…

2020 Study Summary 22: Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change In Your Hearts

Alma 5-7 "Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change In Your Hearts" To gain salvation, men must repent and keep the commandments, be born again, cleanse their garments through the blood of Christ, be humble and strip themselves from pride and envy, and do the works of righteousness—The Good Shepherd calleth his people—Those who do evil works are children of the devil—Alma testifies of the truth of his doctrine and commands…

2020 Study Summary 21: They Were Steadfast and Immovable

Mosiah 29–Alma 4 "They Were Steadfast and Immovable" Mosiah proposes that judges be chosen in place of a king—Unrighteous kings lead their people into sin—Alma the younger is chosen chief judge by the voice of the people—He is also the high priest over the Church—Alma the elder and Mosiah die. [About 92–91 B.C.] Alma: Nehor teaches false doctrines, establishes a church, introduces priestcraft, and slays Gideon—He is executed for his…

2020 Study Summary 20: They Were Called the People of God

Mosiah 25–28 "They Were Called the People of God" The people (the Mulekites) of Zarahemla become Nephites—They learn of the people of Alma and of Zeniff—Alma baptizes Limhi and all his people—Mosiah authorizes Alma to organize the Church of God. [About 120 B.C.] Many members of the Church are led into sin by unbelievers—Alma is promised eternal life—Those who repent and are baptized gain forgiveness—Church members in sin who repent…

2020 Study Summary 19: We Have Entered Into A Covenant With Him

Mosiah 18–24 "We Have Entered Into A Covenant With Him" Alma preaches in private—He sets forth the covenant of baptism and baptizes at the waters of Mormon—He organizes the Church of Christ and ordains priests—They support themselves and teach the people—Alma and his people flee from King Noah into the wilderness. [About 148—145 B.C.] Gideon seeks to slay King Noah—The Lamanites invade the land—King Noah suffers death by fire—Limhi rules…

2020 Study Summary 18: A Light… That Can Never Be Darkened

Mosiah 11–17 "A Light... That Can Never Be Darkened" King Noah rules in wickedness—He revels in riotous living with his wives and concubines—Abinadi prophesies that the people will be taken into bondage—His life is sought by King Noah. About 160–150 B.C. Abinadi is imprisoned for prophesying the destruction of the people and the death of King Noah—The false priests quote the scriptures and pretend to keep the law of Moses—Abinadi…

2020 Study Summary 17: In the Strength of the Lord

Mosiah 7–10 "In the Strength of the Lord" Ammon finds the land of Lehi-Nephi where Limhi is king—Limhi’s people are in bondage to the Lamanites—Limhi recounts their history—A prophet (Abinadi) had testified that Christ is the God and Father of all things—Those who sow filthiness reap the whirlwind, and those who put their trust in the Lord shall be delivered. [About 121 B.C.] Ammon teaches the people of Limhi—He learns…

2020 Study Summary 16: A Mighty Change

Mosiah 4–6 "A Mighty Change" King Benjamin continues his address—Salvation comes because of the atonement—Believe in God to be saved—Retain a remission of your sins through faithfulness—Impart of your substance to the poor—Do all things in wisdom and order. [About 124 B.C.] The saints become the sons and daughters of Christ through faith—They are then called by the name of Christ—King Benjamin exhorts them to be steadfast and immovable in…

2020 Study Summary 15: Filled With Love Towards God & All Men

Mosiah 1–3 "Filled With Love Towards God & All Men" King Benjamin teaches his sons the language and prophecies of their fathers—Their religion and civilization have been preserved because of the records kept on the various plates—Mosiah is chosen as king and is given custody of the records and other things. [About 130–124 B.C.] King Benjamin addresses his people—He recounts the equity, fairness, and spirituality of his reign—He counsels them…

2020 Study Summary 14: He Shall Rise… With Healing In His Wings

Easter "He Shall Rise... With Healing In His Wings" 2 Nephi 9:6–15, 22; The Atonement ransoms man from the Fall—The bodies of the dead will come forth from the grave, and their spirits from hell and from paradise. Alma 11:41–45; All men will rise in immortality—There is no death after the Resurrection. Alma 40:21–23; 3 Nephi 26:4–5; Christ brings to pass the resurrection of all men—The righteous dead go to…

2020 Study Summary 13: He Works In Me To Do His Will

Enos–Words of Mormon "He Works In Me To Do His Will" Enos – Enos prays mightily and gains a remission of his sins—The voice of the Lord comes into his mind promising salvation for the Lamanites in a future day—Nephites sought to reclaim the Lamanites in their day—Enos rejoices in his Redeemer. [Between 544 and 420 B.C.] Jarom – The Nephites keep the law of Moses, look forward to the…

2020 Study Summary 12: The Lord Labors With Us

Jacob 5-7 "The Lord Labors With Us" Jacob quotes Zenos relative to the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees—They are a likeness of Israel and the Gentiles—The scattering and gathering of Israel are prefigured—Allusions are made to the Nephites and Lamanites and all the house of Israel—The Gentiles will be grafted into Israel—Eventually the vineyard will be burned. [About 544–421 B.C.] The Lord will recover Israel in the…

2020 Study Summary 11: Be Reconciled Unto God Through the Atonement of Christ

Jacob 1-4 "Be Reconciled Unto God Through the Atonement of Christ" All the prophets worshiped the Father in the name of Christ—Abraham’s offering of Isaac was in similitude of God and His Only Begotten—Men should reconcile themselves to God through the Atonement—The Jews will reject the foundation stone. [About 544–421 B.C.] Jacob denounces the love of riches, pride, and unchastity—Men may seek riches to help their fellowmen—The Lord commands that…

2020 Study Summary 10: This Is The Way

2 Nephi 31–33 "This Is The Way" Nephi tells why Christ was baptized—Men must follow Christ, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end to be saved—Repentance and baptism are the gate to the strait and narrow path—Eternal life comes to those who keep the commandments after baptism. [About 559–545 B.C.] Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost—Men must pray and gain knowledge for themselves…

2020 Study Summary 9: A Marvelous Work and a Wonder

2 Nephi 26–30 "A Marvelous Work and a Wonder" Christ will minister to the Nephites—Nephi foresees the destruction of his people—They will speak from the dust—The Gentiles will build up false churches and secret combinations—The Lord forbids men to practice priestcrafts. About 559–545 B.C. Darkness and apostasy shall cover the earth in the last days—The Book of Mormon shall come forth—Three witnesses shall testify of the book—The learned man cannot…

2020 Study Summary 8: We Rejoice In Christ

2 Nephi 11–25 “We Rejoice In Christ” Jacob saw his Redeemer—The law of Moses typifies Christ and proves He will come. About 559–545 B.C. Isaiah sees the latter-day temple, gathering of Israel, and millennial judgment and peace—The proud and wicked will be brought low at the Second Coming—Compare Isaiah 2. About 559–545 B.C. Judah and Jerusalem will be punished for their disobedience—The Lord pleads for and judges His people—The daughters…

2020 Study Summary 7: O How Great the Plan of Our God

2 Nephi 6–10 “O How Great the Plan of Our God” Jacob recounts Jewish history: The Babylonian captivity and return; the ministry and crucifixion of the Holy One of Israel; the help received from the Gentiles; and the Jews’ latter-day restoration when they believe in the Messiah. About 559–545 B.C. Jacob continues reading from Isaiah: Isaiah speaks messianically—The Messiah will have the tongue of the learned—He will give His back…

2020 Study Summary 6: We Lived After the Manner of Happiness

2 Nephi 1–5 “We Lived After the Manner of Happiness” An account of the death of Lehi. Nephi’s brethren rebel against him. The Lord warns Nephi to depart into the wilderness. His journeyings in the wilderness, and so forth. Redemption comes through the Holy Messiah—Freedom of choice (agency) is essential to existence and progression—Adam fell that men might be—Men are free to choose liberty and eternal life. About 588–570 B.C.…

2020 Study Summary 5: I Will Prepare The Way Before You

1 Nephi 16–22 “I Will Prepare The Way Before You” The wicked take the truth to be hard—Lehi’s sons marry the daughters of Ishmael—The Liahona guides their course in the wilderness—Messages from the Lord are written on the Liahona from time to time—Ishmael dies; his family murmurs because of afflictions. About 600–592 B.C. Nephi is commanded to build a ship—His brethren oppose him—He exhorts them by recounting the history of…

2020 Study Summary 4: Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God

1 Nephi 11–15 “Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God” Nephi sees the Spirit of the Lord and is shown in vision the tree of life—He sees the mother of the Son of God and learns of the condescension of God—He sees the baptism, ministry, and crucifixion of the Lamb of God—He sees also the call and ministry of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb. About 600–592 B.C.…

2020 Study Summary 3: Come and Partake of the Fruit

1 Nephi 8–10 “Come and Partake of the Fruit” Lehi sees a vision of the tree of life—He partakes of its fruit and desires his family to do likewise—He sees a rod of iron, a strait and narrow path, and the mists of darkness that enshroud men—Sariah, Nephi, and Sam partake of the fruit, but Laman and Lemuel refuse. About 600–592 B.C. Nephi makes two sets of records—Each is called…

2020 Study Summary 2: I Will Go and Do

1 Nephi 1–7 “I Will Go and Do” Nephi begins the record of his people—Lehi sees in vision a pillar of fire and reads from a book of prophecy—He praises God, foretells the coming of the Messiah, and prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem—He is persecuted by the Jews. About 600 B.C. Lehi takes his family into the wilderness by the Red Sea—They leave their property—Lehi offers a sacrifice to the…

2020 Study Summary 1: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” It is important that the actual scriptures be read. The Holy Land and Jewish insights are added to help the teacher and student “go back” to the setting in which the scriptures were given, and to better understand the general Jewish views of those scriptures. Jewish views have varied with time and dispersion. Yet understanding the Jews (basically…

2019 Study Summary 50: He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things

Revelation 12–22 “He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things” Summary: John sees the imminent apostasy of the Church—He also sees the War in Heaven in the beginning when Satan was cast out—He sees the continuation of that war on earth. John sees fierce-looking beasts that represent degenerate earthly kingdoms controlled by Satan—The devil works miracles and deceives men. The Lamb will stand upon Mount Zion—The gospel will be restored in…

2019 Study Summary 49: Good Tidings of Great Joy

Christmas “Good Tidings of Great Joy” Summary: Matthew 1: Christ is born of Mary—She conceives by the power of the Holy Ghost—Our Lord is named Jesus. Matthew 2: The wise men are directed by a star to Jesus—Joseph takes the child to Egypt—Herod slays the children in Bethlehem—Jesus is taken to Nazareth to dwell. Luke 1: Gabriel promises Zacharias that Elisabeth will bear a son, whom they will name John—He…

2019 Study Summary 48: Glory, and Power, Be unto . . . the Lamb for Ever

Revelation 1–11 “Glory, and Power, Be unto . . . the Lamb for Ever” Summary: Christ chooses some as kings and priests unto God—Christ will come again—John sees the risen Lord. He who overcomes will gain eternal life, avoid the second death, inherit the celestial kingdom, and rule many kingdoms. He who overcomes will retain his name in the book of life, reach godhood, and be with Jesus as He…

2019 Study Summary 47: Love Is Joy

1–3 John, Jude “Love Is Joy” Summary: The Saints gain fellowship with God by obedience—We must confess our sins to gain forgiveness. Christ is our Advocate with the Father—We know God by obedience—Love not the world—Anti-Christs will come in the last days. The sons of God will become like Christ—Love for others is required to gain eternal life—Obedience ensures us an answer to our prayers. Try the spirits—God is love…

2019 Study Summary 46: Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory

1 and 2 Peter “Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory” Summary: The trial of our faith precedes salvation—Christ was foreordained to be the Redeemer. Converts are newborn babes in Christ—He is the chief cornerstone—Saints hold a royal priesthood and are a peculiar people—Saints are in subjection to the laws of man. Husbands and wives should honor each other—Saints should live by gospel standards—Christ preached to the spirits in…

2019 Study Summary 45: Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only

James “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only” Summary: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God—Resist temptation—Be doers of the word—James explains how to recognize pure religion. God has chosen the poor of this world who are rich in faith—Salvation is gained by keeping the whole law—Faith without works is dead. By governing the tongue, we gain perfection—Heavenly wisdom is pure, peaceable, and…

2019 Study Summary 44: An High Priest of Good Things to Come

Hebrews 7–13 “An High Priest of Good Things to Come” Summary: The Melchizedek Priesthood brings exaltation and administers the gospel—It is received with an oath and covenant—The superiority of the Melchizedek Priesthood over the Aaronic Priesthood is explained—Salvation comes through the intercession of Christ. Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice for sin—God promised to make a new covenant with Israel. The Mosaic ordinances prefigured Christ’s ministry—Christ is the Mediator of…

2019 Study Summary 43: Jesus Christ: “the Author of Eternal Salvation”

Hebrews 1–6 “Jesus Christ: the Author of Eternal Salvation” Summary: The Son is in the express image of the person of the Father—Christ is the Only Begotten Son and thus above the angels. Jesus came to suffer death and save men—He came to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Christ is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession—Jesus, being the Son, is more than a servant—Now is…

2019 Study Summary 42: Be Thou an Example of the Believers

1 and 2 Timothy; Titus: Philemon “Be Thou an Example of the Believers” Summary: Counsel is given to teach true doctrine only—Christ came to save repentant sinners. We should pray for all people—Christ is our Mediator—Women should dress modestly—Women are blessed in childbearing and are admonished to continue in faith, charity, and holiness. Qualifications are given for bishops and deacons—Great is the mystery of godliness. Paul describes the latter-day apostasy—Christ…

2019 Study Summary 41: Be Not Soon Shaken in Mind, or Be Troubled

1 and 2 Thessalonians “Be Not Soon Shaken in Mind, or Be Troubled” Summary: The gospel comes both in word and in power. True ministers preach in a godly manner—Converts are the glory and joy of missionaries. The Saints are told to perfect that which is lacking in their faith. The Saints are told to be holy, sanctify themselves, and love one another—The Lord will come, and the dead will…

2019 Study Summary 40: I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengthens Me

Philippians; Colossians “I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengthens Me” Summary: All that happened to Paul furthered the gospel cause—Our conduct should be as becometh the gospel. Saints should be of one mind and one spirit—Every knee shall bow to Christ— Saints must work out their salvation—Paul faces martyrdom with joy. Paul sacrifices all things for Christ—True ministers set examples of righteousness. Stand fast in the Lord—We believe…

2019 Study Summary 39: For the Perfecting of Saints

“For the Perfecting of Saints” Summary: The Saints are foreordained to receive the gospel—The gospel is to be restored in the latter days—The Saints are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise—They know God and Christ by revelation. We are saved by grace through faith—The blood of Christ saves Jew and Gentile alike—The Church is built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets. The Gentiles are fellow heirs with Israel—The…

2019 Study Summary 38: Walk in the Spirit

Galatians “Walk in the Spirit” Summary: Preachers of false gospels are accursed—Paul received the gospel by revelation—He believes, is taught, and preaches to the Gentiles. Paul goes to Jerusalem—He contends for the true gospel—Salvation comes through Christ. God gave the gospel to Abraham—Mosaic law added because of transgressions—The law was a schoolmaster to bring Israel to Christ—The saints are children of god by faith—All who are of the faith, and…

2019 Study Summary 37: God Loveth a Cheerful Giver

2 Corinthians 8–13 “God Loveth a Cheerful Giver” Summary: True saints impart of their substance to the poor—Christ out of His poverty brought eternal riches. God loves and rewards a cheerful giver—Thanks be to Him for his unspeakable gift. Bring every thought into obedience—Paul glories in the Lord. Maintain the simplicity that is in Christ—Satan sends forth false apostles—Paul glories in his sufferings for Christ. Paul caught up to the…

2019 Study Summary 36: Be Ye Reconciled to God

2 Corinthians 1–7 “Be Ye Reconciled to God” Summary: God comforts and cares for His saints—The saints are sealed and given assurance by the Spirit in their hearts. Saints should love and forgive one another—They always triumph in Christ. The gospel surpasses the law of Moses—Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Gospel light shines on the saints—Mortal trials are nothing as contrasted with eternal glory. Saints…

2019 Study Summary 35: God Is Not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace

1 Corinthians 14–16 “God Is Not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace” Summary: People should desire spiritual gifts—Tongues and prophecy are compared—Prophecy is the greater gift—Paul says, You may all prophesy; covet to prophesy. Christ died for our sins—He rose from the dead and was seen by many—All men will be resurrected—Paul speaks of baptism for the dead—The three degrees of glory are described—Victory over death comes through Christ.…

2019 Study Summary 34: Ye Are the Body of Christ

1 Corinthians 8–13 “Ye Are the Body of Christ” Summary: There are many gods and many lords—To us there is one God (the Father) and one Lord, who is Christ. Paul rejoices in his Christian liberty—He preaches the gospel to all without charge—He is all things to all men to gain converts. Christ is the God of Israel and the spiritual Rock that guided them—Ancient Israel rebelled against Christ—Paul contrasts…

2019 Study Summary 33: Be Perfectly Joined Together

1 Corinthians 1–7 “Be Perfectly Joined Together” Summary: True Saints are perfectly united in the same mind and in the same judgment—Preach the gospel and save souls—The gospel is preached by the weak and the simple. The gospel is preached by the power of the Spirit—The Spirit reveals all things to the Saints—The unrepentant natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God. Milk comes before meat in…

2019 Study Summary 32: Overcome Evil with Good

Romans 7–16 “Overcome Evil with Good” Summary: The law of Moses is fulfilled in Christ—Paul delights in the law of God after the inward man. The law of Christ brings life and peace—Those adopted as children of God become joint heirs with Christ—God’s elect are foreordained to eternal life—Christ makes intercession for man. Paul explains how the law of election (foreordination) operates—The people of Israel are chosen (foreordained) to receive…

2019 Study Summary 31: The Power of God unto Salvation

Romans 1–6 “The Power of God unto Salvation” Summary: The gospel is the power of God unto salvation through Jesus Christ—The wrath of God rests on those guilty of murder, homosexual practices, fornication, and other sins if the guilty do not repent. God will render to every person according to his or her deeds—Both Jews and Gentiles will be judged by gospel laws. Man is not justified by the law…

2019 Study Summary 30: A Minister and a Witness

Acts 22–28 “A Minister and a Witness” Summary: Paul recounts the story of his conversion and also tells of seeing Jesus in a vision—He is accorded some privileges as a Roman citizen. Paul is smitten at Ananias’s order—The Lord again appears to Paul—Forty Jews plot his death—He is delivered over to Felix. Paul is accused of sedition—He answers in defense of his life and doctrine—He teaches Felix of righteousness, temperance,…

2019 Study Summary 29: The Lord Had Called Us for to Preach the Gospel

Acts 16–21 “The Lord Had Called Us for to Preach the Gospel” Summary: Paul is directed in a vision to preach in Macedonia—He casts an evil spirit out of a woman—He and Silas are imprisoned, and they convert the jailor—They admonish all to believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved. Paul and Silas preach and are persecuted in Thessalonica and in Berea—Paul, in Athens, preaches from Mars’ Hill about…

2019 Study Summary 28: The Word of God Grew and Multiplied

Acts 10–15 “The Word of God Grew and Multiplied” How are Sight, Sound and Motion used in the scriptures? The imagery of sight, sound, and motion used in the New Testament is a powerful part of doctrine and history being studied. “Sight” refers to the visual aspects; “sound” is in the doctrinal message that is spoken; and “motion” refers to the feelings as well as the movement of hours of…

2019 Study Summary 27: What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?

Acts 6–9 “What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?” What is the similarity in religious offices throughout time? The organization and growth of the Church in the Meridian of Times parallels the organization of the Church in ancient and modern times. These were and are offices and the men who were called to fill them, in their respective times, who had authority from God to bring light and truth to…

2019 Study Summary 26: Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me

Acts 1-5 “Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me” How analogous are Old and New Testament Pentecost days? The profound gift of the Holy Ghost was given to provide a witness of the completion of the Savior’s atonement. Being “set at liberty from our bruises” and happy to share our new-found freedom, we need the gift of the Holy Ghost to be witnesses. Fifty days after the Passover when Jesus was…

2019 Study Summary 25: It is Finished

Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21 “He Is Risen” How do death and burial practices contrast the resurrection? The resurrection is so exceptional and such a “antithesis of death,” that an added insight to Jewish burial practices may be of value. “There is no explicit biblical evidence as to how soon after death burial took place, but it is likely that it was within a day after death.…

2019 Study Summary 24: It is Finished

Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19 “It is Finished” How did the Atonement suffering continue from Gethsemane? Late that night, Jesus was betrayed, arrested, and taken to Caiaphas the High Priest. The incarceration and interrogation were not part of an official trial. Both were illegal under the circumstances. That evening was the beginning of the Preparation Day. “And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve…

2019 Study Summary 23: Not as I Will, but as Thou Wilt

Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 18 “Not as I Will, but as Thou Wilt” What key words help us understand the atonement? The key words in this lesson are mercy, forgiveness, and the color red. There is also a significant illustration using the color red. Unfortunately, the rich Jewish tradition of mercy, forgiveness and atonement has lost the identity of the Atoner, yet in the last days, the…

2019 Study Summary 22: Continue Ye in My Love

John 13–17; “Continue Ye in My Love” How does Passover echo the ordinance of the sacrament? The central issue in this lesson was foreshadowed by the Children of Israel through the Passover meal, the Seder, for almost three and a half thousand years. In fact, the substantive elements of that Seder, “fruit of the vine” (wine) and “unleavened bread” preceded the deliverance of Israel from Egypt. It is important to…

2019 Study Summary 21: The Son of Man Shall Come

Joseph Smith–Matthew 1; Matthew 25; Mark 12–13; Luke 21 “The Son of Man Shall Come” How is anointing used in life and death? Anointing is done as one of the respectful ways of preparing a body for burial. Perhaps Jesus, knowing that Mary of Bethany would not have the chance to prepare His body in death as she and other women surely would have desired to do, appreciated her anointing…

2019 Study Summary 20: Behold, Thy King Cometh

Matthew 21–23; Mark 11; Luke 18–20; John 12 “Behold, Thy King Cometh” How is anointing used in life and death? Anointing is done as one of the respectful ways of preparing a body for burial. Perhaps Jesus, knowing that Mary of Bethany would not have the chance to prepare His body in death as she and other women surely would have desired to do, appreciated her anointing Him while He…

2019 Study Summary 19: What Lack I Yet

Matthew 19–20; Mark 10; Luke 18 “What Lack I Yet” How is marriage viewed in the Bible by Jews of today? “Marriage is not merely an agreement between two individuals which can be dissolved at will, it is a union of souls. The same God who prescribed a formula for the fusion of souls — the formula followed beneath the wedding canopy — also gave detailed instructions how these two…

2019 Study Summary 18: Rejoice with Me; for I Have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost

Luke 12–17; John 11 “Rejoice with Me; for I Have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost” How can word-insights help me find that which is lost? The study chapters include key words that represent our blessings and responsibilities. Some Jewish thoughts on forgiveness, leprosy, gratitude, work and burial may add insights to the parables and scriptures to be studied this week. How can I better understand forgiveness? “Repentance consists of…

2019 Study Summary 16: What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?

Matthew 18; Luke 10 "What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?” What is the difference between stewardship and ownership? I participated in an archaeological survey close to Jericho discussing the odd nature of a beautiful first century synagogue floor. What was odd was that almost every ancient mosaic floor found in Israel has the signature of the donor with his family name and title. This one simply had an…

2019 Study Summary 15: Easter: “O Grave, Where Is Thy Victory?”

Easter "O Grave, Where Is Thy Victory?” What misunderstanding is there of “three-days and three-nights?” Many Christians struggle with the symbolism due to a mainstream Christian tradition of Good Friday as the crucifixion day and Easter Sunday as the resurrection day. That, according to the scriptural way of calculating twenty-four hour days, still is only two nights and two days. What did the Savior say about his death and resurrection?…

2019 Study Summary 14: “Thou Art the Christ”

Matthew 16—17; Mark 9; Luke 9 How does the literary rendering teach us a greater meaning for the transfiguration? The following verse excerpts show the chiastic teaching pattern in the chapter of Matthew 16. “. . . I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be…

2019 Study Summary 13: “Be Not Afraid”

Matthew 14–15; Mark 6–7; John 6: 5–6 What meanings do you see in the metaphors of water and rock? Moses struck the rock and out came water. It became the Rock of Salvation. Simon, son of Jonah (Bar Jonah in Aramaic) was affectionately nicknamed Petrus (“rock” in Greek) by Jesus. In that sense, Simon became “Rocky-1” in the scriptures! Jesus, knowing that He was the “Rock of Salvation,” was establishing…

2019 Study Summary 12: “Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”

Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13 What are three tools of learning?They are seeing (visual), hearing (audio) and feeling (kinesthetic). These meta-programs (human perception modes) are reflected in the words we use to describe our reactions: “I see,” “Sounds right to me,” “I feel all right about this.” “. . . then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5) “And Moses…

2019 Study Summary 11: “These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth”

Matthew 10—12; Mark 2; Luke 7; 11 How is leading sheep done is Israel today? Near Jerusalem is an Arab house with more than a hundred sheep. A boy shepherd leads them out every morning and returns in the late afternoon. Leading sheep is typical in this country. Usually there are about a dozen lead sheep, older ones from last year's flock. The shepherd often has them marked with bells…

2019 Study Summary 10: “Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole”

Matthew 8—9; Mark 2—5 Do you believe in Miracles? Miracles are usually viewed with public amazement. Judaism sometimes views miracles as a part of God’s work with His people. The further a people stray from knowing God, the more their explanations of miracles become nebulous. In modern times, the late Israeli General and statesman, Moshe Dyan, was asked if he believed in miracles. He said, "No, we just count on…

2019 Study Summary 9: “He Taught Them As One Having Authority”

Matthew 6—7 What is the significance of studying Jewish Values? Judaism reflects a great history of instructions and traditions in giving charity and making offerings to assist the less fortunate. Philanthropy is a basic part of Biblical life, and hence, a religious life. To devout Jews, Biblical life means a Jewish life. "The obligation to help the poor and the needy and to give them gifts is stated many times…

2019 Study Summary 8: “Blessed Are Ye”

Matthew 5; Luke 6 Focusing Attention on Him: Most discussions of the Sermon on the Mount concentrate on our "attitudes." There may be an underlying and supporting doctrine teaching a higher law. Could it be that the Savior is saying, "No matter who you are, rich or poor, mournful or happy, popular or persecuted, come unto me and I will give you the Holy Ghost?" Mount of Beatitudes - A…

2019 Study Summary 7: “Ye Must Be Born Again”

John 2-4 The Land of Israel: There are many people who mistakenly think of Israel as a flat, dry and dangerous land. In contrast to popular opinion, Israel is mountainous, the rainfall equals that of London (average of 26-inches per year), and peaceful feelings envelope visitors the moment they arrive! Abundant Rainfall – "40-Days and 40-Nights!:"Water has always been a concern because most of the 26-inches of rainfall occurs within…

2019 Study Summary 6: “The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me”

Matthew 4; Luke 4-5 Summary:Jesus fasts forty days and is tempted—He begins His ministry, calls disciples, and heals the sick.Jesus fasts forty days and is tempted by the devil—Jesus announces His divine sonship in Nazareth and is rejected—He casts out a devil in Capernaum, heals Peter’s mother-in-law, and preaches and heals throughout Galilee.Peter, the fisherman, is called to catch men—Jesus heals a leper—He forgives sins and heals a paralytic—Matthew is…

2019 Study Summary 5: “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord”

Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3 Summary: John the Baptist preaches in Judæa—Jesus is baptized, and the Father acclaims Him as His Beloved Son. Jesus is baptized by John—He preaches the gospel, calls disciples, casts out devils, heals the sick, and cleanses a leper. John the Baptist preaches and baptizes—Jesus is baptized, and God acclaims Him as His Son—Jesus’ genealogy back to Adam is given. Christ is the Word of…

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