Gospel Doctrine Supplements | Israel Revealed - Part 6

Category: Gospel Doctrine Supplements

Old Testament Summary Lesson 10: “Birthright Blessing; Marriage In The Covenant”

Modern Finds Give Insights to Biblical Culture: The Biblical area of Haran may have been discovered in modern Iraq. Writings found in an ancient town of Nuzi give some insight to the culture of Biblical times: "NUZI is an ancient city in northeastern Iraq . . . discovered thousands of tablet-documents dating from the 15th-14th centuries B.C.E. . . . when deciphered, turned out to be extremely valuable . .…

Old Testament Summary Lesson 9: “God Will Provide Himself A Lamb”

Promise Kept: Isaac was a miracle child, born of Sarah who was ninety-years old and barren. One could ask, "what did the neighbors say?" Isaac in Hebrew means laughter, humor, amusing or delightful. Abraham and Sarah were delighted. A human impossibility became a God-given fulfillment. In the Lord's own plan, he kept his promises! A Chosen Birth Date: "According to the aggadah, Isaac was born to Sarah on the first…

Old Testament Summary Lesson 8: “Living Righteously In A Wicked World”

Dead Sea Scroll People Move to the "Great Salt Lake": The Dead Sea Scrolls people moved away from wickedness to establish a singular community of righteousness. Their leader was called the "Teacher of Righteousness" and he had two assistants. There was also a council of "Twelve Overseers." They had an order following the 'righteous king', which is said in Hebrew, "Melech Zedek." The Dead Sea sect shunned others, and probably…

Old Testament Summary Lesson 7: “The Abrahamic Covenant”

Abrahamic Covenant Before Abraham? It can be considered that the "Abrahamic covenant" was in existence before Abraham's time. The honor bestowed on this faithful dispensation leader was to have the covenant that eternally binds God and man named after him. A few others have been honored similarly, such as in "The Law of Moses" and the "Sign of the Prophet Jonah." New Name: It is a common practice among religious…

Old Testament Summary Lesson 6: “Noah… Prepared An Ark To The Saving Of His House”

Jew's View of a Law Preceding Moses: "Noachide Laws, seven laws which were supposed by the rabbis to have been binding on all mankind even before the revelation at Sinai . . . Exegetically derived from statements made by God to Adam and to Noah, six of them are negative: not to 1) worship idols; 2) blaspheme the name of God; 3) kill; 4) commit adultery; 5) rob; 6) eat…

Old Testament Summary Lesson 5: “If Thou Doest Well, Thou Shalt Be Accepted”

References to Enoch: "Enoch" appears in several apocryphal works. The Ethiopian Jews who claim to be descendants of King Solomon (and the Queen of Sheba) have brought their holy books from Ethiopia to Israel. Although they are recent in terms of age (less than two-thousand years old), they do contain two apocryphal books, one of which is the Book of Enoch. "Probably the most important work in pseudepigraphical literature deals…

Old Testament Summary Lesson 4: “Because Of My Transgression My Eyes Are Opened”

Who Remembers the "Fall of Adam" Anymore?: The fall of Adam is one of the faded doctrines of Judaism. Discovery of ancient scriptures (The Pearl of Great Price) and the restoration of temples in modern times have restored understanding that was on the earth before. Following is a collection of Jewish thought on Adam, Eve and sin. Literal or Allegorical? "For most of the medieval Jewish thinkers, the biblical story…

Old Testament Summary Lesson 3: “The Creation”

Texts Before the Bible was Written: Before the Bible as we know it was written there were written correspondences between peoples in the Middle East. The oldest known writing may be the Ebla Tablets found in today's Syria. Approximately eighteen thousand ceramic plates were found. They even contained a language that had never been known before. Even more astounding was a set of plates that contained a sort of dictionary…

Old Testament Summary Lesson 2: “Thou Was Chosen Before Thou Wast Born”

Pre-earth Life Exists Before New Testament: At the time of Jesus a Society of Jews that many call the Essenes lived at the Dead Sea. Their writings included inferences of "pre-existence." This seems evident because their scribes referred to the Messiah they expected as known by previous prophets and sages. Doctrine Changed: Again, the eighth century Jewish philosopher, Maimonides, eliminated references to a pre-earth life. Various writing of sages prior…

Old Testament Summary Lesson 1: “This Is My Work and My Glory”

True Nature Of God Known in Antiquity: The anthropomorphic nature of God was known to the Jews at the time of Jesus. The Old Testament, as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls contain several references to God in 'human terms'. As the true nature of God is seen to diminish in history, true religion fades away. When Jewish Belief in God Changed: By the time the Crusaders were approaching the…

Summary Lesson 46: “Zion-The Pure In Heart”

Two Zions: As there are two gatherings, one spiritual and another physical, there are also two definitions of Zion, one in the heart and another in the place. What the Jews may not realize is that there are two chosen people that will have two Zion headquarters. Presently, there are two dedicated centers in the two "Zions" in the two "Tops of the Mountains," Jerusalem and Salt Lake City. The…

Summary Lesson 45: “The Family Is Ordained Of God”

Family Importance for Jews and Latter-day Saints: Even with most theological differences, family is one of Joseph's and Judah's strongest similarities. The Bible appears to be more concerned with social and family relations than with individual ones, and thus puts more emphasis on being a good neighbor than it does on friendship. The Bible also warns against false friendship, saying that people might be attracted to a person solely because…

Summary Lesson 44: “Being Good Citizens”

Two Reasons for Involvement: One of the traditional aspects of Judaism is to be involved in community and governmental affairs. This may have a two-fold purpose, one to serve the community and another to preserve its own rights and identity. Ethics: Whether establishing themselves within or part of a community, Jewish ethics and hospitality are an important life style. "Ethics are the principles by which man can live a good…

Summary Lesson 42: “Continuing Revelation To Latter-Day Prophets”

Without Present-day Revelation: The Jews have turned to revere the scripture scrolls. The scroll cabinet, the "Ark," is said to contain the "presence of God," meaning the word of God. Visions Contain Pictures, Sounds: Reading the past scriptural event of Peter's Vision of the Sheet in New Testament times, can help us understand the value of present day revelation. During his prayers, Peter saw a sheet with knitted or knotted…

Summary Lesson 41: “Every Member A Missionary”

Religious Rights in Israel: The two legal systems, secular and religious allow religious people to take disputes or legal processes to their own judges. They include the Orthodox Jews, Moslems, Greek Orthodox, Armenians, Catholics, Syrian Orthodox and the Bahais. The Bahai religious courts are the only ones established after the State of Israel was recognized. Jewish Proselytizing: There is some Proselytizing done by the Jews to bring more Jews to…

Summary Lesson 39: “The Hearts Of The Children Shall Turn To Their Fathers”

Specific Seat for Elijah: The ancient eating arrangement at the Passover meal (Seder) was "U" shaped. The oldest was in the second seat with one of the youngest of his choice seated at his right hand, in the first seat. At the other end of the "U" shaped seating arrangement was an empty chair for Elijah, directly opposite the youngest and the oldest, symbolic–if you-please of Elijah turning the hearts…

Summary Lesson 38: “In Mine Own Way”

Original Meaning of Faith Includes Works: The Hebrew word for faith is emunah probably derived from the word imun which means practice, procedure or work. Inherent in the word emunah is faith and works. "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." (James 2:17) The three attributes of God-fearing people are faith (emunah), hope (tikvah) and charity (zedakah) or (hesed). Judaism has, however, evolved to the…

Summary Lesson 37: “We Thank Thee, O God, For A Prophet”

Torah–Word of God: The Bible is holy to Jews because it represents the Word of God. ". . . the Torah . . . is . . . God's direct statement. The halakhah, or Jewish law, which is the authoritative guide for a Jew's life, is mainly based on the Torah. “The custom of reading the Torah publicly . . . originat(es) with Ezra in the fifth-fourth centuries B.C.E. At…

Summary Lesson 36: “The Desert Shall Rejoice, And Blossom As The Rose”

The greatest deliverance of the Children of Israel was from the adversities and hardships in Egypt. It was a learning experience where a complete generation had to die and only the next generation was the one to enter the promised land to prosper there. "O Judah, and . . . Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD . . . believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper." (2 Chronicles 20) Lehi, Nephi,…

Summary Lesson 35: “A Mission of Saving”

Jehovah is His name. Salvation is what He provides. Jehovah means "I Am." In Hebrew, the expression is so sacred that it is not repeated; Hebrew does not have an "I am." The shortened version of Jehovah is "Jeho." Connected to "shua." The abbreviation of "salvation" it is pronounced Jeho-shua. By the time Jeho-shua was transliterated into Greek, Latin and English, it became pronounced as Jesus. He is the "I…

Summary Lesson 34: “Faith in Every Footstep, even Dancing”

When nations begin to "gather," there evolves a certain culture. First, the spirit of commitment is challenged by hardships and rejection long before the new society begins to mature and be accepted by others. Secondly, because of true faith in the Lord, the Children of Israel, anciently and in modern times did not, and do not let the hardships and the sometimes, violent rejection get in the way of pursuing…

Summary Lesson 33: “Brigham Young, A Modern Moses”

To the mob, the martyrdom of Joseph Smith was thought to be the end of "Mormonism." However, a biblical system of succession had been restored. It was the system God gave in ancient times. The similarity of the mission of Joseph Smith can be compared to Moses. The mission of Brigham Young could also be likened to Joshua. "And again, the duty of the President of the office of the…

Summary Lesson 32: “Righteous vs. Evil Martyrdom”

Past Prophet's persecutions and martyrdoms reflect the past or show the future and teach us something about the ultimate sacrifice of the Lord. These prophets were models of their Master, the Savior, who would prophesy against the corrupt part of the Jewish government and the people who followed their wickedness. "And . . . he shall be led . . . as a sheep before the shearer is dumb. .…

Summary Lesson 30: “The Prisoners Shall Go Free”

Last Jewish Prophets Testified of Restoration: "Zechariah continued in the same task as Haggai; he too encouraged the Jews to rebuild the Temple. Zechariah reminded Israel that before God returned to the Temple the people must return to God through righteousness, justice, and mercy . . . Zechariah prophesied of the Golden Age of the Messiah when God's Kingdom would be established on earth." (Encyclopedia Judaica Jr.) Precise Day Elijah…

Summary Lesson 29: “Building the Kingdom of God in Nauvoo, Illinois”

Zion Building, Then and Now: Joseph Smith, the Prophet, was given the vision of settling a Zion, building a society and establishing communities that would bless and renew the land. He carried out this heaven-inspired yearning wherever he went or was forced to go. This is a pattern reflected in Jewish history. "Ever since the time of the first Babylonian exile over 2,000 years ago, Jews of the world have…

Summary Lesson 28: “O God, Where Art Thou?”

"Sinking to New Heights:" A phrase comes to mind that may help explain the apparent helplessness of many of God's choicest leaders, it is "sinking to new heights." The Savior's exquisite atonement for us has been somewhat foreshadowed or mirrored in the depths to which Job, Jonah, Nephi, Alma, Peter, Joseph Smith and many others, sank. How Does God Allow This? "If God is all-powerful and good, as Judaism claims…

Summary Lesson 27: “They Must Needs Be Chastened and Tried, Even as Abraham”

Scattering and Gathering, Being Tempered and Taught: The early saints paralleled the experiences of the Children of Israel in Biblical times. It is also part of a pattern teaching us the plan of life where we leave Father's presence, come to this earth to by tried, tempered and taught and then have the opportunity to return to Father's presence. Joseph Smith's Role Is Summarized in Parable: After the destruction of…

Summary Lesson 26: “Go Ye Into All The World And Preach My Gospel”

The Word of the Lord Is for All People: Jews feel there are different laws for Gentiles and Jews. "Seven laws which were supposed by the rabbis to have been binding on all mankind even before the revelation at Sinai. They are referred to as 'Noachide' . . . since the whole human race . . . descended from the three sons of Noah, who alone survived the flood." (Encyclopedia…

Summary Lesson 25: Priesthood: “The Power of Godliness”

Covenant, a Name of the Lord: The restored priesthoods are covenants between God and man. One of the many names that describe the Lord is "covenant." He is the Messenger ". . . the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant . . . " (Malachi 3:1) Attempts to Return to Original Organization: The Dead Sea Scrolls describe the Essenes organization…

Summary Lesson 23: “Seek Learning, Even By Study And Also By Faith”

Key to Learning: The preface to these lesson supplements includes the first two verses of the Book of Mormon. Nephi gave the key to understanding the scriptures, the "learning of the Jews" along with the "knowledge of the mysteries of God." World of Words: The Old Testament only has about 8,900 different words (English has more tha 1,000,000), yet the illustrative capacity of the prophets is expressed through the images…

Summary Lesson 22: The Word of Wisdom: “A Principle With Promise”

The First Word of Wisdom: In the Garden of Eden, there was a law of health, things you should and should not eat. The Lord gave the Children of Israel a law of health. The Jews call it the correct way, Kashrut or being kosher. The Kashrut has been modified throughout the ages, yet basics still remain from Mount Sinai. What is Kosher: Some Jews will not eat meat because…

Summary Lesson 21: “Looking Forth The Great Day Of The Lord To Come”

Jewish Rituals Look Forward to the "Great Day:" Religious Jews still practice many forms of ancient rites and rituals whose meanings have become distorted or lost over many years. With the restoration of priesthood, we are privileged to comprehend how the "New Covenant" restores the true doctrine. Old rituals contain signs of the "Great Day of the Lord to Come." Remembrance and Looking Forward: Although "wine and bread" are partaken…

Summary Lesson 19: “The Plan Of Salvation”

True Nature of God Diminished: By the time the Crusaders approached the Holy Land, a prominent Jewish philosopher, Moses Maimonides, began collecting writings and interpretations of other Jewish sages to codify and centralize them. He included 'Thirteen Articles of Faith.' The first three declared that God cannot be explained, thus eliminating reference to the anthropomorphic nature of God. Meaning Lost on Resurrection/Death: The Jewish interpretation that God has no .…

Summary Lesson 18: “Establish… A House Of God”

Entire Encampment of Israel Was a "City Temple:" (Apparently it will be that way again when the Lord returns to Jerusalem): "In pre-Temple times . . . anyone who was tameh (unclean) was forced to go outside the marked boundaries and was forbidden to return until he had completed the purification ritual." (Encyclopedia Judaica Jr.) Washing and Temples: The call to go to the temple includes, "He that hath clean…

Summary Lesson 17: “The Law Of Tithing And The Law Of The Fast”

GOD'S MATH IS DIFFERENT THAN MAN'S: The Law of Tithing was given as a part of the plan to teach, by means of serving each other, how to develop a total commitment to serving Him. God's instruction is to bring the tithes, 10%, to him so that the remaining 90% will go farther than the 100% ever could. JEWISH VIEW OF TITHING: There is still some biblical meaning, yet Jews…

Summary Lesson 16: “Thou Shalt Offer Up Thy Sacraments Upon My Holy Day”

SABBATH, IDENTIFIES PEOPLE OF COVENANT. SABBATH, A COMMANDMENT EQUAL TO ALL THE REST. SABBATH, FOR ANIMALS. SABBATH, A DAY OF JOY. SABBATH, A DAY OF LIGHT. SABBATH, A DAY OF RITUAL. SABBATH, A DAY OF REMEMBRANCE. SABBATH, COMPLETION OF THE CREATION. Want More Doctrine and Covenants Gospel Doctrine Supplements?Download Our Doctrine and Covenants Gospel Doctrine Supplements Click for the full Doctrine and Covenants Supplement story Click for a summary of…

Summary Lesson 15: “Seek Ye Earnestly The Best Gifts”

KEY TO RECOGNIZING THE MESSIAH: The true meaning of the Messiah's life and those who testified of Him is the SPIRIT. The word for spirit in Hebrew is Ruach Elohim, the breath, the wind of God. "And Moses said . . . Would God that all the LORD'S people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit upon them!" (Numbers 11:29) A GIFT: As previously stated, there are…

Summary Lesson 14: “The Law Of Consecration”

FIRST MODERN KIBBUTZ: The significant difference between the "United Order" and the "Law of Consecration," is that the "United Order" is like the modern version of the Jewish Kibbutz, reflecting similar "legislated" cooperative efforts as was done anciently. "In 1909, on land purchased by the Jewish National Fund, the first kibbutz, Deganyah, was established. By 1914, the yishuv . . . the Jewish community . . . numbered some 85,000."…

Summary Lesson 13: “The Generation Shall Have My Word Through You”

UNIQUE DOCTRINES TODAY REFLECT THE PAST: Doctrines that seem unique among the Latter-day Saints, provide, on closer examination of Jewish traditions and, Biblical texts, a verification of the principle of restoration. The following paragraphs show apparent links to the past. ". . . God is represented by the two names of God–Elohim and YHWH. The former stands for justice and the latter for mercy. Though they may seem contradictory, one…

Summary Lesson 12: “The Gathering Of My People”

JEWISH VIEW OF A LATTER-DAY JOSEPH: When the Chief Rabbi, Avraham HaKohen Kook was appointed in Palestine in the 1920's, Jews asked if they could now build the Temple (destroyed since year 70 A.D.). He said that priestly rights were gone and referring to the great 12th century rabbi Moses Maimonides, said, in effect, "We are waiting for a Messiah Ben-Joseph, to him will be given the keys of the…

Summary Lesson 11: “The Field Is White Already To Harvest”

KEEP IT IN MIND: Jews have traditional symbols which “keep God’s word in front of them” at all times by binding leather phylacteries (Tfillin) on the arm and forehead as well as a Mezuzah on all Jewish doorposts. The words in the ‘Mezuzah’ and in the ‘Tfillin’ are summarized in Deuteronomy 6:4-17. RETURNING AND PROSELYTIZING: Returning to the Land of Israel is like returning to the Lord. Those are as…

Summary Lesson 9: “The Only True and Living Church”

GOD CHOOSES THE DAY: To better understand the miracle of the restoration and the day that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was officially organized, let us go back to Biblical times. Isaac, a miracle child, was born of barren Sarah who was ninety-years old. “According to the Aggadah, Isaac was born to Sarah on the first day of Passover.” (Encyclopedia Judaica Jr.) RESTORATION ON JESUS’ BIRTHDAY, PASSOVER:…

Summary Lesson 8: “The Restoration of the Priesthood”

ANCIENT JOSEPH GIVEN AUTHORITY: Ancient Joseph was authorized by his father when Jacob laid hands on Joseph’s head. “. . . parents place their hands on the heads of their children when they bless them. (. . . in the Bible, Jacob blessed his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, by placing his hands on their heads.) Placing the hands on another person is symbolic not only of transferring blessing but also…

Summary Lesson 7: “The First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel”

AS VIEWED BY JUDAISM, FAITH (AND WORKS): “Belief in God's existence . . . is taken for granted and is the basis of the Bible. The biblical word emunah (and its other forms) which is often translated as ‘belief’ means ‘trust’ or ‘confidence,’ which is something quite different. “Judaism insists on belief, faith and good deeds (which are also called mitzvot); but by themselves they are not enough.” (Encyclopedia Judaica…

Summary Lesson 6: “I Will Tell You In Your Mind and in Your Heart, By the Holy Ghost”

CLEARER UNDERSTANDING OF THE HOLY GHOST: The Hebrew word for breath and wind (ruach) is closely related to the word spirit. Ezekiel spoke of breath bringing life into dead bones (etzemot). As the sticks (ETZ-emot) of the body are clothed again with flesh and come alive again, so shall the stick (ETZ) of Judah, the dead skeleton of a once true and living religion, come together with the stick of…

Summary Lesson 5: “This is the Spirit of Revelation”

WITHOUT ACCEPTING REVELATION, WE FORGET: In modern Jewish thinking, “looking to God” and “revelation” are almost figurative and have become unexplainable. “. . . various phrases are used when describing appearances of the Divine, for example kavod (‘glory’) or shekhinah (. . . ‘Divine Presence’) or davar (‘word’ of God).” (Encyclopedia Judaica Jr.) PAST REVELATION, A GUIDE FOR THE FUTURE: “The same Prophets who have contemplated and described the .…

Summary Lesson 4: “Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon”

PATTERN OF PREPARATION: The preparation that Joseph Smith went through is part of a pattern identified throughout the scriptures and also evident in Jewish tradition. Many of the Jewish holidays have extensive preparations that are as important as the holy day itself. “The Sabbath before Passover is known as Shabbat ha-Gadol . . . a . . . [reading from the Prophets] referring to the day on which Elijah the…

Summary Lesson 3: “I Had Seen A Vision”

HEAVENLY VISIONS THROUGHOUT TIME: Whether it was Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Ezekiel or any of the prophets of old, the people’s reaction to vision was either very negative or supportive. Some of those visions happened outside of Israel (Ezekiel) and even came to what Jews call a “Gentile Prophet,” (Baalam). Many of those visions foresaw the time of the restoration. EZEKIEL’S VISIONS EQUATE RESTORATION AND RESURRECTION: “Ezekiel prophecy starts on a…

Summary Lesson 2: “Behold I am Jesus Christ the Savior of the World”

THE MESSIAH: Looking at the sacred event that redeemed us from the sins of life, bruises of experience, captivity of conscience, blindness of bigotry, hurt of hearts broken, poverty of stinginess and the imprisonment of self pity, we are drawn to the Mount of Olives. Two thousand years ago, He sank below all things, experiencing deeper depths than we would ever reach so that we would never have to. Bleeding…

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