LDS Faith | Israel Revealed - Part 4

Category: LDS Faith

2021 Study Summary 8: Stand As A Witness

Doctrine and Covenants 14–17 "Stand As A Witness" Doctrine and Covenants 14: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to David Whitmer, at Fayette, New York, June 1829. HC 1: 48—50. The Whitmer family had become greatly interested in the translating of the Book of Mormon. The Prophet established his residence at the home of Peter Whitmer, Sen., where he dwelt until the work of translation was carried to completion…

2021 Study Summary 7: Upon You My Fellow Servants

Doctrine and Covenants 10–11Joseph Smith History 1:66-75 "Upon You My Fellow Servants" Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Joseph Knight Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829. Joseph Knight believed the declarations of Joseph Smith concerning his possession of the Book of Mormon plates and the work of translation then in progress and several times had given material assistance to Joseph Smith and his scribe, which enabled them to…

2021 Study Summary 6: That You May Come Off Conqueror

Doctrine and Covenants 10–11 "That You May Come Off Conqueror" Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, likely around April 1829, though portions may have been received as early as the summer of 1828. Herein the Lord informs Joseph of alterations made by wicked men in the 116 manuscript pages from the translation of the book of Lehi, in the Book of Mormon. These manuscript pages had…

2021 Study Summary 5: This Is The Spirit Of Revelation

Doctrine and Covenants 6–9 "This Is The Spirit Of Revelation" Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829. Oliver Cowdery began his labors as scribe in the translation of the Book of Mormon, April 7, 1829. He had already received a divine manifestation of the truth of the Prophet’s testimony respecting the plates on which was engraved the Book of Mormon record. The…

2021 Study Summary 4: My Work Shall Go Forth

Doctrine and Covenants 3–5 "My Work Shall Go Forth" Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1828, relating to the loss of 116 pages of manuscript translated from the first part of the Book of Mormon, which was called the book of Lehi. The Prophet had reluctantly allowed these pages to pass from his custody to that of Martin Harris, who had served for a brief…

2021 Study Summary 3: The Hearts Of The Children Shall Turn To Their Fathers

Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith–History 1:27–65 "The Hearts Of The Children Shall Turn To Their Fathers" An extract from Joseph Smith’s history relating the words of the angel Moroni to Joseph Smith the Prophet, while in the house of the Prophet’s father at Manchester, New York, on the evening of September 21, 1823. Moroni was the last of a long line of historians who had made the record that…

2021 Study Summary 2: I Saw A Pillar Of Light

Doctrine and Covenants 1 "I Saw A Pillar Of Light" Joseph Smith tells of his ancestry, family members, and their early abodes—An unusual excitement about religion prevails in western New York—He determines to seek wisdom as directed by James—The Father and the Son appear, and Joseph is called to his prophetic ministry. (Verses 1–20.) Some preachers and other professors of religion reject the account of the First Vision—Persecution is heaped…

2021 Study Summary 1: Hearken All Ye People

Doctrine and Covenants 1 "Hearken All Ye People" This material was prepared by Daniel Rona who was born in Israel– educated in America– and has been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since 1950. He was a well-known radio broadcaster in Salt Lake City, St. Louis, Chicago, and New York, as well as an international newscaster for the “Voice of Israel” in Jerusalem, Israel. In…

2020 Study Summary 50: He Shall Come Into The World To Redeem His People

"He Shall Come Into The World To Redeem His People" The Christmas season is a time to reflect on and express gratitude for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. As you read and ponder about Hist birth and life, consider how your study of the Book of Mormon has strengthened your testimony that He is the Savior of the world. What season was the birth of the Savior? The…

2020 Study Summary 49: Come Unto Christ, And Be Perfected In Him

Moroni 10 "Come Unto Christ, And Be Perfected In Him" A testimony of the Book of Mormon comes by the power of the Holy Ghost—The gifts of the Spirit are dispensed to the faithful—Spiritual gifts always accompany faith—Moroni’s words speak from the dust—Come unto Christ, be perfected in Him, and sanctify your souls. [About A.D. 421]. What is true faith? Throughout the years, Jews have weaned themselves away from spiritual…

2020 Study Summary 48: May Christ Lift Thee Up

Moroni 7-9 "May Christ Lift Thee Up" An invitation is given to enter into the rest of the Lord—Pray with real intent—The Spirit of Christ enables men to know good from evil—Satan persuades men to deny Christ and do evil—The prophets manifest the coming of Christ—By faith, miracles are wrought and angels minister—Men should hope for eternal life and cleave unto charity. [About A.D. 401–21]. The baptism of little children…

2020 Study Summary 47: To Keep Them In The Right Way

Moroni 1-6 "To Keep Them In The Right Way" Moroni writes for the benefit of the Lamanites—The Nephites who will not deny Christ are put to death. Jesus gave the Nephite apostles power to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost. Elders ordain priests and teachers by the laying on of hands. How the elders and priests administer the sacramental bread. The mode of administering the sacramental wine is set…

2020 Study Summary 46: By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled

Ether 12-15 "By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled" The prophet Ether exhorts the people to believe in God—Moroni recounts the wonders and marvels done by faith—Faith enabled the brother of Jared to see Christ—The Lord gives men weakness that they may be humble—The brother of Jared moved Mount Zerin by faith—Faith, hope, and charity are essential to salvation—Moroni saw Jesus face to face. Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to…

2020 Study Summary 45: That Evil May Be Done Away

Ether 6-11 "That Evil May Be Done Away" The Jaredite barges are driven by the winds to the promised land—The people praise the Lord for his goodness—Orihah is appointed king over them—Jared and his brother die. Orihah reigns in righteousness—Amid usurpation and strife the rival kingdoms of Shule and Cohor are set up—Prophets condemn the wickedness and idolatry of the people, who then repent. There is strife and contention over…

2020 Study Summary 44: Rend That Veil of Unbelief

Ether 1-5 "Rend That Veil of Unbelief" Moroni abridges the writings of Ether—Ether’s genealogy set forth—The language of the Jaredites is not confounded at the Tower of Babel—The Lord promises to lead them to a choice land and make them a great nation. The Jaredites prepare for their journey to a promised land—It is a choice land whereon men must serve Christ or be swept off—The Lord talks to the…

2020 Study Summary 43: I Speak Unto You As If Ye Were Present

Mormon 7-9 "I Speak Unto You As If Ye Were Present" Mormon invites the Lamanites of the latter days to believe in Christ, accept his gospel, and be saved—All who believe the Bible will also believe the Book of Mormon. [About A.D. 385] The Lamanites seek out and destroy the Nephites—The Book of Mormon shall come forth by the power of God—Woes pronounced upon those who breathe out wrath and…

2020 Study Summary 42: I Would That I Could Persuade All… To Repent

Mormon 1-6 "I Would That I Could Persuade All... To Repent" Ammaron instructs Mormon concerning the sacred records—War commences between the Nephites and the Lamanites—The Three Nephites are taken away—Wickedness, unbelief, sorceries, and witchcraft prevail. [About A.D. 322—326] Mormon leads the Nephite armies—Blood and carnage sweep the land—The Nephites lament and mourn with the sorrowing of the damned—Their day of grace is passed—Mormon obtains the plates of Nephi—Wars continue. [Between…

2020 Study Summary 41: There Could Not Be A Happier People

3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi "There Could Not Be A Happier People" Jesus commands them to call the Church in his name—His mission and atoning sacrifice constitute his gospel—Men are commanded to repent and be baptized that they may be sanctified by the Holy Ghost—They are to be even as Jesus is. Nine of the Twelve desire and are promised an inheritance in Christ’s kingdom when they die—The Three Nephites desire…

2020 Study Summary 40: Ye Are the Children of the Covenant

3 Nephi 20-26 "Ye Are the Children of the Covenant" Jesus provides bread and wine miraculously and again administers the sacrament unto the people—The remnant of Jacob will come to the knowledge of the Lord their God and will inherit the Americas—Jesus is the prophet like unto Moses, and the Nephites are children of the prophets—Others of the Lord’s people will be gathered to Jerusalem. [About A.D. 34] Israel will…

2020 Study Summary 39: Behold, My Joy Is Full

3 Nephi 17-19 "Behold, My Joy Is Full" Jesus directs the people to ponder his words and pray for understanding—He heals their sick—He prays for the people, using language that cannot be written—Angels minister to and fire encircles their little ones. [A.D. 34] Jesus institutes the sacrament among the Nephites—They are commanded to pray always in his name—Those who eat his flesh and drink his blood unworthily are damned—The disciples…

2020 Study Summary 38: I Am The Law, And The Light

3 Nephi 12-16 "I Am The Law, And The Light" Jesus calls and commissions the Twelve—He delivers to the Nephites a discourse similar to the Sermon on the Mount—He speaks the Beatitudes—His teachings transcend and take precedence over the law of Moses—Men are commanded to be perfect even as he and his Father are perfect—Compare Matthew 5. Jesus teaches the Nephites the Lord’s Prayer—They are to lay up treasures in…

2020 Study Summary 37: Arise and Comeforth Unto Me

3 Nephi 8-11 "Arise and Comeforth Unto Me" Tempests, earthquakes, fires, whirlwinds, and physical upheavals attest the crucifixion of Christ—Many people are destroyed—Darkness covers the land for three days—Those who remain bemoan their fate. [A.D. 34] In the darkness the voice of Christ proclaims the destruction of many people and cities for their wickedness—He also proclaims his divinity, announces that the law of Moses is fulfilled, and invites men to…

2020 Study Summary 36: Lift Up Your Head and Be of Good Cheer

3 Nephi 1-7 "Lift Up Your Head and Be of Good Cheer" Nephi, the son of Helaman, departs out of the land, and his son Nephi keeps the records—Though signs and wonders abound, the wicked plan to slay the righteous—The night of Christ’s birth arrives—The sign is given, and a new star arises—Lyings and deceivings increase, and the Gadianton robbers slaughter many. [About A.D. 1–4.] Wickedness and abominations increase among…

2020 Study Summary 35: Glad Tidings of Great Joy

Helaman 13-16 "Glad Tidings of Great Joy" Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the destruction of the Nephites unless they repent—They and their riches are cursed—They reject and stone the prophets, are encircled about by demons, and seek for happiness in doing iniquity. [About 6 B.C.] Samuel predicts light during the night and a new star at Christ’s birth—Christ redeems men from temporal and spiritual death—The signs of His death include three…

2020 Study Summary 34: Remember the Lord

Helaman 7-12 "Remember the Lord" Nephi is rejected in the north and returns to Zarahemla—He prays upon his garden tower and then calls upon the people to repent or perish. Corrupt judges seek to incite the people against Nephi—Abraham, Moses, Zenos, Zenock, Ezias, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lehi, and Nephi all testified of Christ—By inspiration Nephi announces the murder of the chief judge. Messengers find the chief judge dead at the judgment…

2020 Study Summary 33: The Rock of Our Redeemer

Helaman 1-6 "The Rock of Our Redeemer" Pahoran the second becomes chief judge and is murdered by Kishkumen—Pacumeni fills the judgment seat—Coriantumr leads the Lamanite armies, takes Zarahemla, and slays Pacumeni—Moronihah defeats the Lamanites and retakes Zarahemla, and Coriantumr is slain. [About 52–50 B.C.] Helaman, the son of Helaman, becomes chief judge—Gadianton leads the band of Kishkumen—Helaman’s servant slays Kishkumen, and the Gadianton band flees into the wilderness. [About 50–49…

2020 Study Summary 32: Preserved By His Marvelous Power

Alma 53-63 "Preserved By His Marvelous Power" The Lamanite prisoners are used to fortify the city Bountiful—Dissensions among the Nephites give rise to Lamanite victories—Helaman takes command of the two thousand stripling sons of the people of Ammon. [About 64–63 B.C.] Ammoron and Moroni negotiate for the exchange of prisoners—Moroni demands that the Lamanites withdraw and cease their murderous attacks—Ammoron demands that the Nephites lay down their arms and become…

2020 Study Summary 31: Stand Fast In the Faith of Christ

Alma 43-52 "Stand Fast In the Faith of Christ" Alma and his sons preach the word—The Zoramites and other Nephite dissenters become Lamanites—The Lamanites come against the Nephites in war—Moroni arms the Nephites with defensive armor—The Lord reveals to Alma the strategy of the Lamanites—The Nephites defend their homes, liberties, families, and religion—The armies of Moroni and Lehi surround the Lamanites. [About 74 B.C.] Moroni commands the Lamanites to make…

2020 Study Summary 30: The Great Plan of Happiness

Alma 39-42 "The Great Plan of Happiness" Sexual sin is an abomination—Corianton’s sins kept the Zoramites from receiving the word—Christ’s redemption is retroactive in saving the faithful who preceded it. [About 74 B.C.] Christ brings to pass the resurrection of all men—The righteous dead go to paradise and the wicked to outer darkness to await the day of their resurrection—All things will be restored to their proper and perfect frame…

2020 Study Summary 29: Look To God and Live

Alma 36-38 "Look To God and Live" Alma testifies to Helaman of his conversion by an angel—He suffered the pains of a damned soul; he called upon the name of Jesus, and was then born of God—Sweet joy filled his soul—He saw concourses of angels praising God—His converts have tasted and seen as he did. [About 74 B.C.] The plates of brass and other scriptures are preserved to bring souls…

2020 Study Summary 28: Plant This Word In Your Hearts

Alma 32-35 "Plant This Word In Your Hearts" Alma teaches the poor whose afflictions had humbled them—Faith is a hope in that which is not seen which is true—Alma testifies that angels minister to men, women, and children—Alma compares the word unto a seed—It must be planted and nourished—Then it grows into a tree from which the fruit of eternal life is picked. [About 74 B.C.] Zenos taught that men…

2020 Study Summary 27: The Virtue of the Word of God

Alma 30-31 "The Virtue of the Word of God" Korihor, the antichrist, ridicules Christ, the atonement, and the spirit of prophecy—He teaches that there is no God, no fall of man, no penalty for sin, and no Christ—Alma testifies that Christ shall come and that all things denote there is a God—Korihor demands a sign and is struck dumb—The devil had appeared to Korihor as an angel and taught him…

2020 Study Summary 26: They Never Did Fall Away

Alma 23-29 "They Never Did Fall Away" Religious freedom is proclaimed—The Lamanites in seven lands and cities are converted—They call themselves Anti-Nephi-Lehies and are freed from the curse—The Amalekites and the Amulonites reject the truth. [About 90–77 B.C.] The Lamanites come against the people of God—The Anti-Nephi-Lehies rejoice in Christ and are visited by angels—They choose to suffer death rather than to defend themselves—More Lamanites are converted. [About 90–77 B.C.]…

2020 Study Summary 25: I Will Make An Instrument of Thee

Alma 17-22 "I Will Make An Instrument of Thee" The sons of Mosiah have the spirit of prophecy and of revelation—They go their several ways to declare the word to the Lamanites—Ammon goes to the land of Ishmael and becomes the servant of King Lamoni—Ammon saves the king’s flocks and slays his enemies at the waters of Sebus. [From about 91 to 77 B.C.] King Lamoni supposes that Ammon is…

2020 Study Summary 24: Enter Into the Rest of the Lord

Alma 13-16 "Enter Into the Rest of the Lord" Men are called as high priests because of their exceeding faith and good works—They are to teach the commandments—Through righteousness they are sanctified and enter into the rest of the Lord—Melchizedek was one of these—Angels are declaring glad tidings throughout the land—They will reveal the actual coming of Christ. [About 82 B.C.] Alma and Amulek are imprisoned and smitten—The believers and…

2020 Study Summary 23: Jesus Christ Will Come To Redeem His People

Alma 8-12 "Jesus Christ Will Come To Redeem His People" Alma preaches and baptizes in Melek—He is rejected in Ammonihah and leaves—An angel commands him to return and cry repentance unto the people—He is received by Amulek, and the two of them preach in Ammonihah. [About 82 B.C.] Alma commands the people of Ammonihah to repent—The Lord will be merciful to the Lamanites in the last days—If the Nephites forsake…

2020 Study Summary 22: Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change In Your Hearts

Alma 5-7 "Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change In Your Hearts" To gain salvation, men must repent and keep the commandments, be born again, cleanse their garments through the blood of Christ, be humble and strip themselves from pride and envy, and do the works of righteousness—The Good Shepherd calleth his people—Those who do evil works are children of the devil—Alma testifies of the truth of his doctrine and commands…

2020 Study Summary 21: They Were Steadfast and Immovable

Mosiah 29–Alma 4 "They Were Steadfast and Immovable" Mosiah proposes that judges be chosen in place of a king—Unrighteous kings lead their people into sin—Alma the younger is chosen chief judge by the voice of the people—He is also the high priest over the Church—Alma the elder and Mosiah die. [About 92–91 B.C.] Alma: Nehor teaches false doctrines, establishes a church, introduces priestcraft, and slays Gideon—He is executed for his…

2020 Study Summary 20: They Were Called the People of God

Mosiah 25–28 "They Were Called the People of God" The people (the Mulekites) of Zarahemla become Nephites—They learn of the people of Alma and of Zeniff—Alma baptizes Limhi and all his people—Mosiah authorizes Alma to organize the Church of God. [About 120 B.C.] Many members of the Church are led into sin by unbelievers—Alma is promised eternal life—Those who repent and are baptized gain forgiveness—Church members in sin who repent…

2020 Study Summary 19: We Have Entered Into A Covenant With Him

Mosiah 18–24 "We Have Entered Into A Covenant With Him" Alma preaches in private—He sets forth the covenant of baptism and baptizes at the waters of Mormon—He organizes the Church of Christ and ordains priests—They support themselves and teach the people—Alma and his people flee from King Noah into the wilderness. [About 148—145 B.C.] Gideon seeks to slay King Noah—The Lamanites invade the land—King Noah suffers death by fire—Limhi rules…

2020 Study Summary 18: A Light… That Can Never Be Darkened

Mosiah 11–17 "A Light... That Can Never Be Darkened" King Noah rules in wickedness—He revels in riotous living with his wives and concubines—Abinadi prophesies that the people will be taken into bondage—His life is sought by King Noah. About 160–150 B.C. Abinadi is imprisoned for prophesying the destruction of the people and the death of King Noah—The false priests quote the scriptures and pretend to keep the law of Moses—Abinadi…

2020 Study Summary 17: In the Strength of the Lord

Mosiah 7–10 "In the Strength of the Lord" Ammon finds the land of Lehi-Nephi where Limhi is king—Limhi’s people are in bondage to the Lamanites—Limhi recounts their history—A prophet (Abinadi) had testified that Christ is the God and Father of all things—Those who sow filthiness reap the whirlwind, and those who put their trust in the Lord shall be delivered. [About 121 B.C.] Ammon teaches the people of Limhi—He learns…

2020 Study Summary 16: A Mighty Change

Mosiah 4–6 "A Mighty Change" King Benjamin continues his address—Salvation comes because of the atonement—Believe in God to be saved—Retain a remission of your sins through faithfulness—Impart of your substance to the poor—Do all things in wisdom and order. [About 124 B.C.] The saints become the sons and daughters of Christ through faith—They are then called by the name of Christ—King Benjamin exhorts them to be steadfast and immovable in…

2020 Study Summary 15: Filled With Love Towards God & All Men

Mosiah 1–3 "Filled With Love Towards God & All Men" King Benjamin teaches his sons the language and prophecies of their fathers—Their religion and civilization have been preserved because of the records kept on the various plates—Mosiah is chosen as king and is given custody of the records and other things. [About 130–124 B.C.] King Benjamin addresses his people—He recounts the equity, fairness, and spirituality of his reign—He counsels them…

2020 Study Summary 14: He Shall Rise… With Healing In His Wings

Easter "He Shall Rise... With Healing In His Wings" 2 Nephi 9:6–15, 22; The Atonement ransoms man from the Fall—The bodies of the dead will come forth from the grave, and their spirits from hell and from paradise. Alma 11:41–45; All men will rise in immortality—There is no death after the Resurrection. Alma 40:21–23; 3 Nephi 26:4–5; Christ brings to pass the resurrection of all men—The righteous dead go to…

2020 Study Summary 13: He Works In Me To Do His Will

Enos–Words of Mormon "He Works In Me To Do His Will" Enos – Enos prays mightily and gains a remission of his sins—The voice of the Lord comes into his mind promising salvation for the Lamanites in a future day—Nephites sought to reclaim the Lamanites in their day—Enos rejoices in his Redeemer. [Between 544 and 420 B.C.] Jarom – The Nephites keep the law of Moses, look forward to the…

2020 Study Summary 12: The Lord Labors With Us

Jacob 5-7 "The Lord Labors With Us" Jacob quotes Zenos relative to the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees—They are a likeness of Israel and the Gentiles—The scattering and gathering of Israel are prefigured—Allusions are made to the Nephites and Lamanites and all the house of Israel—The Gentiles will be grafted into Israel—Eventually the vineyard will be burned. [About 544–421 B.C.] The Lord will recover Israel in the…

2020 Study Summary 11: Be Reconciled Unto God Through the Atonement of Christ

Jacob 1-4 "Be Reconciled Unto God Through the Atonement of Christ" All the prophets worshiped the Father in the name of Christ—Abraham’s offering of Isaac was in similitude of God and His Only Begotten—Men should reconcile themselves to God through the Atonement—The Jews will reject the foundation stone. [About 544–421 B.C.] Jacob denounces the love of riches, pride, and unchastity—Men may seek riches to help their fellowmen—The Lord commands that…

2020 Study Summary 10: This Is The Way

2 Nephi 31–33 "This Is The Way" Nephi tells why Christ was baptized—Men must follow Christ, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end to be saved—Repentance and baptism are the gate to the strait and narrow path—Eternal life comes to those who keep the commandments after baptism. [About 559–545 B.C.] Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost—Men must pray and gain knowledge for themselves…

2020 Study Summary 9: A Marvelous Work and a Wonder

2 Nephi 26–30 "A Marvelous Work and a Wonder" Christ will minister to the Nephites—Nephi foresees the destruction of his people—They will speak from the dust—The Gentiles will build up false churches and secret combinations—The Lord forbids men to practice priestcrafts. About 559–545 B.C. Darkness and apostasy shall cover the earth in the last days—The Book of Mormon shall come forth—Three witnesses shall testify of the book—The learned man cannot…

2020 Study Summary 8: We Rejoice In Christ

2 Nephi 11–25 “We Rejoice In Christ” Jacob saw his Redeemer—The law of Moses typifies Christ and proves He will come. About 559–545 B.C. Isaiah sees the latter-day temple, gathering of Israel, and millennial judgment and peace—The proud and wicked will be brought low at the Second Coming—Compare Isaiah 2. About 559–545 B.C. Judah and Jerusalem will be punished for their disobedience—The Lord pleads for and judges His people—The daughters…

2020 Study Summary 7: O How Great the Plan of Our God

2 Nephi 6–10 “O How Great the Plan of Our God” Jacob recounts Jewish history: The Babylonian captivity and return; the ministry and crucifixion of the Holy One of Israel; the help received from the Gentiles; and the Jews’ latter-day restoration when they believe in the Messiah. About 559–545 B.C. Jacob continues reading from Isaiah: Isaiah speaks messianically—The Messiah will have the tongue of the learned—He will give His back…

2020 Study Summary 6: We Lived After the Manner of Happiness

2 Nephi 1–5 “We Lived After the Manner of Happiness” An account of the death of Lehi. Nephi’s brethren rebel against him. The Lord warns Nephi to depart into the wilderness. His journeyings in the wilderness, and so forth. Redemption comes through the Holy Messiah—Freedom of choice (agency) is essential to existence and progression—Adam fell that men might be—Men are free to choose liberty and eternal life. About 588–570 B.C.…

2020 Study Summary 5: I Will Prepare The Way Before You

1 Nephi 16–22 “I Will Prepare The Way Before You” The wicked take the truth to be hard—Lehi’s sons marry the daughters of Ishmael—The Liahona guides their course in the wilderness—Messages from the Lord are written on the Liahona from time to time—Ishmael dies; his family murmurs because of afflictions. About 600–592 B.C. Nephi is commanded to build a ship—His brethren oppose him—He exhorts them by recounting the history of…

2020 Study Summary 4: Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God

1 Nephi 11–15 “Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God” Nephi sees the Spirit of the Lord and is shown in vision the tree of life—He sees the mother of the Son of God and learns of the condescension of God—He sees the baptism, ministry, and crucifixion of the Lamb of God—He sees also the call and ministry of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb. About 600–592 B.C.…

2020 Study Summary 3: Come and Partake of the Fruit

1 Nephi 8–10 “Come and Partake of the Fruit” Lehi sees a vision of the tree of life—He partakes of its fruit and desires his family to do likewise—He sees a rod of iron, a strait and narrow path, and the mists of darkness that enshroud men—Sariah, Nephi, and Sam partake of the fruit, but Laman and Lemuel refuse. About 600–592 B.C. Nephi makes two sets of records—Each is called…

2020 Study Summary 2: I Will Go and Do

1 Nephi 1–7 “I Will Go and Do” Nephi begins the record of his people—Lehi sees in vision a pillar of fire and reads from a book of prophecy—He praises God, foretells the coming of the Messiah, and prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem—He is persecuted by the Jews. About 600 B.C. Lehi takes his family into the wilderness by the Red Sea—They leave their property—Lehi offers a sacrifice to the…

2020 Study Summary 1: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” It is important that the actual scriptures be read. The Holy Land and Jewish insights are added to help the teacher and student “go back” to the setting in which the scriptures were given, and to better understand the general Jewish views of those scriptures. Jewish views have varied with time and dispersion. Yet understanding the Jews (basically…

2019 Study Summary 50: He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things

Revelation 12–22 “He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things” Summary: John sees the imminent apostasy of the Church—He also sees the War in Heaven in the beginning when Satan was cast out—He sees the continuation of that war on earth. John sees fierce-looking beasts that represent degenerate earthly kingdoms controlled by Satan—The devil works miracles and deceives men. The Lamb will stand upon Mount Zion—The gospel will be restored in…

2019 Study Summary 49: Good Tidings of Great Joy

Christmas “Good Tidings of Great Joy” Summary: Matthew 1: Christ is born of Mary—She conceives by the power of the Holy Ghost—Our Lord is named Jesus. Matthew 2: The wise men are directed by a star to Jesus—Joseph takes the child to Egypt—Herod slays the children in Bethlehem—Jesus is taken to Nazareth to dwell. Luke 1: Gabriel promises Zacharias that Elisabeth will bear a son, whom they will name John—He…

2019 Study Summary 48: Glory, and Power, Be unto . . . the Lamb for Ever

Revelation 1–11 “Glory, and Power, Be unto . . . the Lamb for Ever” Summary: Christ chooses some as kings and priests unto God—Christ will come again—John sees the risen Lord. He who overcomes will gain eternal life, avoid the second death, inherit the celestial kingdom, and rule many kingdoms. He who overcomes will retain his name in the book of life, reach godhood, and be with Jesus as He…

2019 Study Summary 47: Love Is Joy

1–3 John, Jude “Love Is Joy” Summary: The Saints gain fellowship with God by obedience—We must confess our sins to gain forgiveness. Christ is our Advocate with the Father—We know God by obedience—Love not the world—Anti-Christs will come in the last days. The sons of God will become like Christ—Love for others is required to gain eternal life—Obedience ensures us an answer to our prayers. Try the spirits—God is love…

2019 Study Summary 46: Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory

1 and 2 Peter “Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory” Summary: The trial of our faith precedes salvation—Christ was foreordained to be the Redeemer. Converts are newborn babes in Christ—He is the chief cornerstone—Saints hold a royal priesthood and are a peculiar people—Saints are in subjection to the laws of man. Husbands and wives should honor each other—Saints should live by gospel standards—Christ preached to the spirits in…

2019 Study Summary 45: Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only

James “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only” Summary: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God—Resist temptation—Be doers of the word—James explains how to recognize pure religion. God has chosen the poor of this world who are rich in faith—Salvation is gained by keeping the whole law—Faith without works is dead. By governing the tongue, we gain perfection—Heavenly wisdom is pure, peaceable, and…

2019 Study Summary 44: An High Priest of Good Things to Come

Hebrews 7–13 “An High Priest of Good Things to Come” Summary: The Melchizedek Priesthood brings exaltation and administers the gospel—It is received with an oath and covenant—The superiority of the Melchizedek Priesthood over the Aaronic Priesthood is explained—Salvation comes through the intercession of Christ. Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice for sin—God promised to make a new covenant with Israel. The Mosaic ordinances prefigured Christ’s ministry—Christ is the Mediator of…

2019 Study Summary 43: Jesus Christ: “the Author of Eternal Salvation”

Hebrews 1–6 “Jesus Christ: the Author of Eternal Salvation” Summary: The Son is in the express image of the person of the Father—Christ is the Only Begotten Son and thus above the angels. Jesus came to suffer death and save men—He came to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Christ is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession—Jesus, being the Son, is more than a servant—Now is…

2019 Study Summary 42: Be Thou an Example of the Believers

1 and 2 Timothy; Titus: Philemon “Be Thou an Example of the Believers” Summary: Counsel is given to teach true doctrine only—Christ came to save repentant sinners. We should pray for all people—Christ is our Mediator—Women should dress modestly—Women are blessed in childbearing and are admonished to continue in faith, charity, and holiness. Qualifications are given for bishops and deacons—Great is the mystery of godliness. Paul describes the latter-day apostasy—Christ…

2019 Study Summary 41: Be Not Soon Shaken in Mind, or Be Troubled

1 and 2 Thessalonians “Be Not Soon Shaken in Mind, or Be Troubled” Summary: The gospel comes both in word and in power. True ministers preach in a godly manner—Converts are the glory and joy of missionaries. The Saints are told to perfect that which is lacking in their faith. The Saints are told to be holy, sanctify themselves, and love one another—The Lord will come, and the dead will…

2019 Study Summary 40: I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengthens Me

Philippians; Colossians “I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengthens Me” Summary: All that happened to Paul furthered the gospel cause—Our conduct should be as becometh the gospel. Saints should be of one mind and one spirit—Every knee shall bow to Christ— Saints must work out their salvation—Paul faces martyrdom with joy. Paul sacrifices all things for Christ—True ministers set examples of righteousness. Stand fast in the Lord—We believe…

2019 Study Summary 39: For the Perfecting of Saints

“For the Perfecting of Saints” Summary: The Saints are foreordained to receive the gospel—The gospel is to be restored in the latter days—The Saints are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise—They know God and Christ by revelation. We are saved by grace through faith—The blood of Christ saves Jew and Gentile alike—The Church is built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets. The Gentiles are fellow heirs with Israel—The…

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