Mormon Prophets | Israel Revealed

Category: Mormon Prophets

Israel – Contrasts And Consonance

[caption align="aligncenter"]Israel Conquests[/caption] CONQUESTS The land of Israel is really quite small. The biblical borders of the "Jordan River to the Mediterranean" and "Dan to Beersheba" are about 65-miles wide and about 200-miles long, with virtually no natural resources, (there is no gold or silver or metal deposits). Even Golda Meir, former Prime Minister of Israel, humorously chided Moses when she said, "He travelled the wilderness for forty years and…

Sheep, Shepherds And The Son Of God

[caption align="aligncenter"]The Nativity Church In Bethlehem[/caption] THE NATIVITY CHURCH The traditionally accepted birthplace of Jesus is in a grotto located under the Church of Nativity. This is not inconceivable, in the sense that stables were usually on the ground floor or underneath the inn rooms. The tradition, however, only begins 175 years after the birth of Jesus. Three Christian churches, Greek Orthodox, Armenian and Catholic, hold separate services here and…

The Mothers Of Bethlehem

[caption align="aligncenter"]Wild Oregano[/caption] LIFE GOES ON No matter the economic hardships one may encounter, this I know, life goes on. This family of Elimelech, with two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, settled in Moab for several years. Mahlon and Chilion took Moabite women to wife. Eventually, Elimelech died along with his two sons Mahlon and Chilion (whose names in Hebrew actually mean sickness and death). All that was left of Elimelech’s…

The Land of Miracles: Israel

[caption align="aligncenter"]The Hula Valley[/caption] THE HULA VALLEY The challenge to drain the ancient, stinking swamps called the Hula, was met by new Jewish immigrants in the 1940's and 50's. The land is now fruitful. Many of the returning Lebanese visitors are surprised to see the new landscape which has changed considerably since they last saw it almost forty years ago. New settlements and development towns like Kiryat Shemona dot the…

Israel – It’s Ups & Downs

[caption align="aligncenter"]Mount of Olives[/caption] MOUNT OF OLIVES In the Judean hills, the Mount of Olives looks over Jerusalem. It is about 2700 feet above sea level and is the highest of the several hills in the immediate area of the Holy City. This mount is sacred as a place for the dead as well as for its biblically renowned orchards and vineyards. The graveyard has been the hallowed resting spot…

Sukkot, Jewish Thanksgiving & Harvest Holiday

[caption align="aligncenter"]Turkey Tom[/caption] The Thanksgiving symbol of plenty, a horned basket, resembles the Jewish shofar, and of course, both Sukkot and Thanksgiving feature bountiful amounts of delicious, seasonally-inspired foods. Perhaps, most enjoyable part of Sukkot is the food. Okay, the traditional American Thanksgiving food is turkey, So, how is it that Israelis now consume more turkey per capita than anyone in the world, even counting American thanksgiving, so ubiquitous that…

The Holy Land Blossomed for Him (Dilworth Rust, A Personal Letter)

[caption align="aligncenter"]Garden Tomb Israel[/caption] Similarly, at the Mount of Beatitudes, (Daniel) took us to a place below the church built on the top of the mount. There at the side of the mountain, looking down upon the Sea of Galilee . . . at the top of an untouched meadow . . . I felt strongly that the Savior had been there and had taught there. . . The experience…

How Many Days of Christmas are there in Israel?

[caption align="aligncenter"]Christmas in Israel?[/caption] Most people in Israel, do not celebrate Christmas. The Jewish population is busy at about the same time of year celebrating Hanukkah, instead. Both are festivals-of-lights, with gift giving. One day of gifts at Christmas, and eight days of gifts at Hanukkah. My five Jewish-Mormon children wanted to celebrate both! Expensive! About 8-million people live in Israel, 6-million Jews and about 2-million Arabs. Close to 10%…

Who Are, and Where Were the Wise Men on Christmas?

[caption align="aligncenter"]Where were the Wise Men on Christmas?[/caption] Middle Eastern Christians have a tradition of three wise men or Magi that come from the East bearing gifts for a newborn King. Even scriptures tell us of Herod the Great receiving those visitors, seeking the child "King of The Jews." Conniving Herod told them to let him know when they found him, so he could reverence the "child-to-be-king." When they did…

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