Summary Lesson 46: "Zion-The Pure In Heart" | Israel Revealed

Summary Lesson 46: “Zion-The Pure In Heart”

  1. Two Zions: As there are two gatherings, one spiritual and another physical, there are also two definitions of Zion, one in the heart and another in the place. What the Jews may not realize is that there are two chosen people that will have two Zion headquarters. Presently, there are two dedicated centers in the two “Zions” in the two “Tops of the Mountains,” Jerusalem and Salt Lake City. The Lord will speak from two Zions.
  2. Would God Dwell With You? “. . . it seems, the ancient Israelites were commanded to build a sanctuary so that God may dwell amongst them (Exodus 25:8). The Tabernacle became the place to which sacrifices were brought in times of joy and in times of sadness. Physically and spiritually it was the central object for the Children of Israel and it was through the Tabernacle that they felt their connection with God.” (Encyclopedia Judaica Jr.)
  3. Latter-day “Stakes of Zion:” These have the same purpose in reminding us to live in dignity and sacredness and commune with God as a community. “. . . they shall be called stakes, for the curtains or the strength of Zion.” (Doctrine & Covenants 101:21) Stakes will become Temples in the future, (D & C 124:35). The Lord will return to two Jerusalems that will have the Houses of the Lord. They will become the Cities of The Lord. “. . . built up again, and become a holy city of the Lord . . .” (Ether 13:5)
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  5. Jewish Tradition, More than One Zion–Temple: “The Bible uses a variety of Hebrew terms when speaking of the place where God and Israel communed: a) Mishkan – (God’s dwelling place among the people of Israel). b) Mishkan ha-Edut – ‘The dwelling place of the Testimony’ (the place where the two tablets . . .Ten Commandments were kept). c) Ohel Mo’ed – ‘Tent of Meeting’ (where God reveals Himself to Israel). d) Mikdash – ‘Sanctuary’ or the ‘Holy Place’; and especially Kodesh ha-Kodashim [Holy of Holies], the most holy place within the Tabernacle. “. . . many critical scholars believe that these terms may refer to more than one place;” (Encyclopedia Judaica Jr.)
  6. Sanctity of Family: Two Headquarters for the Redeemer: The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “Judah must return, Jerusalem must be rebuilt, and the temple, . . . and all this must be done before the Son of Man will make His appearance” (History of the Church 5:337). “Jerusalem of old . . .shall become a holy city where the Lord shall dwell . . . likewise, on this continent, the city of Zion, New Jerusalem, shall be built . . . each city shall be headquarters for the Redeemer of the world, and from each he shall send forth his proclamations as occasion may require. Jerusalem shall be the gathering place of Judah and his fellows of the house of Israel, and Zion shall be the gathering place of Ephraim and his fellows, upon whose heads shall be conferred ‘the richer blessings’.” (Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., Doctrines of Salvation, Vol.3, p.69 – p.70)
  7. Ready? May we be prepared for His coming. May we learn from our forefathers and benefit from their mistakes. May we ever praise God for sending His Son to pay for all mistakes. May we live with Him, in His house, in His city, in His glory.

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